Calendar Object


The calendar object will create make a customizable DHTML calendar:

It is totally dynamic, you can change which month, day, and year is displayed.

Creating a Calendar:

objectName = new Calendar(x,y,hSpace,vSpace)
hSpace and vSpace are the horizontal width and vertical height of each "cell" respectively. The total width and total height of the calendar is the resultant of these values - 7 columns wide, 7 rows tall.

Just do the usual build, css, div, activate sequence:


function init() {

mycalendar = new Calendar(150,30,27.18)

writeCSS (

<script language="javascript">

Customizing, Properties and Methods

The background colors are set through the object itself. But the font size and font colors are set throught the following CSS classes that can be inserted into the page and changed to whatever properties you want:

<style type="text/css">
.calDay {font-family:Helvetica; font-size:12pt; color:#000000;}
.calNormal {font-family:Helvetica; font-size:12pt; color:#000000;}
.calShaded {font-family:Helvetica; font-size:12pt; color:#B0B0B0;}
.calHighlighted {font-family:Helvetica; font-size:12pt; color:#FF0000;}


these properties must be set before you build()

bgColor (hex)
background color, default is '#e5e5e5'
dayBarColor (hex)
background color of the bar with the day names, default is '#c0c0c0'
switchMonths (boolean)
whether to allow when you click on a shaded day, if it will flip to the next month or not
selectToday (boolean)
whether to automatically select "today" (whatever you choose it to be)
origDate REMOVED
use build(year,month,day) instead

These can be obtained at anytime:

year (int)
the currently displayed year
the currently displayed month
the currently displayed day
w (int)
returns the width of the calendar (after build)
h (int)
returns the height of the calendar (after build)


the build allows you to set which date will be displayed by default, if no parameters are given it'll use the current date of the browser
setDate(year,month,day) (note change in parameter order)
The way to set month for the calendar to show. Just send the the month, day, and year (4 digit year). Any of these values may be set to null, and it will use the current year, month, day
deselects the date shown
change the year shown (+1,-1, etc)
change the month shown (+1,-1, etc)
change the day shown (+1,-1, etc)

The onChange Event

Whenever you change the date by using setDate(), changeYear/Month/Day(), or click on the day to show, the onChange() handler will be called:

mycalendar.onChange = myfunction()

Example: calendar1.html [source] - a simple calendar example, that allows you to selectively choose which date to show.

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