Scroll2 - Properties and Methods Summary

Property NameDescription
nameholds the name used for all the layers
wthe width of the window
hthe height of the window
useVhave a vertical scrollbar (default is true)
useHhave a horizontal scrollbar (default is false)
drawBorderoptionally draws 3 lines on the top and side and bottom to complete a square that matches up with some of the default imageSets - this is an alternative to using window.setMargins() which draws a square completely around the window which may look weird next to some of the imageSets
visinitial visibility
zinitial zIndex

Method NameDescription
imgSet()use default ImageSet
setDim()set initial dimensions (barW,arrowH,boxH)
makeObjects()creates the sub-objects based on parameters from setDim()
build()assembles the css and div properties to create the layers needed
activate()assigns all DynLayers and gets relevant information to allow the object to function
load(url)loads a page into the window
showBlock(i)shows a particular inline block (use this instead of the ScrollWindow's showBlock())

DynLayer NameDescription
lyrthe top-most layer of the Scroll

Object NameDescription
windowScrollWindow, loads and manipulates all content
barVvertical ScrollBar
barHhorizontal ScrollBar
upImgup image
dnImgdown image
ltImgleft image
rtImgright image


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