Dan's Layers Tutorial
2.2  Sine Wave

A sine wave is very similar to the hover and circle. The movement along the horizontal is a constant value, but it is related to the wavelength. This made it a little tricky but I got it to work.

function sine() {
	SinLayername = "layer1";   // name of the layer you want to move
	SinAmplitude = 120;        // amplitude of wave in pixels (remember you go up AND down this amount)
	SinWavelength = 300;       // wavelength in pixels
	SinCycles = 1;             // the number of times you want to cycle through the wave (decimals allowed)
	SinAngleinc = 5;           // angle incrementation
	SinAnglestart = 0;         // angle you want to start the wave at
	SinDirection = 1;          // use "1" to move right, "-1" to move left
	SinSpeed = 20;             // speed of repetition in milliseconds
	SinAngle = SinAnglestart;
	SinLeft = document.layers[SinLayername].left;
	SinTop = document.layers[SinLayername].top;

function slidesine() {
	if (Math.abs(SinAngle) < SinCycles*360) {
		var x = SinLeft + SinDirection*(SinAngle / (360/SinWavelength)) - SinDirection*(SinAnglestart / (360/SinWavelength));
		var y = SinTop - (SinAmplitude/2 * Math.sin(SinAngle*Math.PI/180)) + (SinAmplitude/2 * Math.sin(SinAnglestart*Math.PI/180));
		SinAngle += SinAngleinc;

Dan's Layers Tutorial
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Overlapping
1.3 Nesting
1.4 Using JavaScript
2.1 Sliding Layers
2.2 Pre-Built Functions
2.3 Clipping Layers
2.4 Looping Animations
2.5 Changing Images
3.1 Mouse-Click Animation
3.2 Capturing Keystrokes
3.3 Drag and Drop
4.1 Making Demos
4.4 Problems
4.5 Screen Sizes

Copyright © 1997 Dan Steinman. All rights reserved.